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You got an Invite!

You have been invited to confirm the following relationship

John Smith

Janice Smith

There’s a message inside

Hi Janice! Check out this great website


Further Information

We, at OathJar, think it’s really important that couples have some ground rules in place as they prgress through their relationships. That’s why we’re dedicated to offer you a secure environment where you can establish those promises

  • Professional and secure environment
  • 100% Private couple profiles and promises
  • Unlimited space
  • Notification Reminders

We just need your name as a signature

or go to home page
Easy to use
Built with couples in mind, our platform is extremely easy to use by anyone
Writing your promises down, makes for greater peace of mind
Your information is secured and not displayed to anyone but yourselves

Why Use OathJar

OathJar is a brand new company aimed at providing people in an active relationship with a place of their own to set the rules and guidelines of their relationships

How it Works

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OathJar is Private

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Laboriosam sequi asperiores reprehenderit dolorem est similique placeat quas eos eius dolore unde earum ex vero quidem. Molestiae cumque nam voluptates mollitia, optio officia! Blanditiis, nostrum, quas.